2022年 セミナー講演者

桐原 祐一郎

Shamsul Kamar ABU SAMAH
Head, National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO)
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia
Prof. Ts. Shamsul is currently the Head of National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). He joined NAICO since April 2016 after serving Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre (AMIC) as the Chief Executive Officer from February 2014 till March 2016. Previously, he was the Head of Aerospace & Advanced Material at Malaysian Industry-Government Group For High Technology (MIGHT) and served Sapura Defence Sdn. Bhd. and Airod-Alenia Technology Sdn. Bhd. in various technical positions

伊東 あや乃
国際安全保障産業協会 非常勤役員

府川 秀樹
経済産業省 製造産業局 航空機武器宇宙産業課 防衛産業企画官

Director, South East Asia
Chris joined ArcBlue in January 2022 having spent more than 15 years working for Rolls-Royce, where he held leadership positions in procurement, supply chain management, strategy and finance across the Aerospace, Marine and Energy sectors. These experiences have been gained whilst spending much of his career living and working in Asia Pacific, including long-term assignments based in Vietnam, Japan and Singapore.
His most recent role at Rolls-Royce was as Head of International Purchasing, where he played a key role in reshaping the aerospace supply chain across Asia Pacific and in emerging markets globally, looking at raw materials, castings & forgings, machining & fabrications, and full assemblies. His prior experiences include two years based in Japan as the Regional Supply Chain Manager – NE Asia, where he was responsible for delivering world class level of operational performance for key strategic partners and suppliers across the NE Asia Supply Chain for aerospace engine programmes
Chris has an academic background in Business and Finance, having qualified as a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and holding a First-Class degree in Business Studies.

上野 宗孝

森岡 典子
執行役員,戦略技術統括本部 副本部長,新事業関連担当

澤越 俊幸
澤越 俊幸, 般社団法人日本AM協会 専務理事
1985年 4月 株式会社立花エレテック 入社
2013年10月 3Dプリンタ販売専任担当
2014年 2月 3Dものづくり普及促進会設立
2022年 3月 一般社団法人日本AM協会設立 専務理事 現在に至る